Tallowwood battens are a fantastic option for anyone looking for a durable, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing timber species.
They’re also a great timber to “grey off”.
Some people purposely don’t oil a timber in order to allow it to look more aged or grey.
It’s a matter of individual preference, and tallowwood works really well if you want to achieve this effect.
Like other timber species, it is strong, durable and stable, and – for many – particularly pleasing on the eye.
Tallowwood’s lighter colour – ranging from pale to a dark yellowy-brown – gives a warm and natural appearance to outdoor spaces.
Tallowwood’s natural color and grain pattern are distinct, making it stand out from other timber species.
*Please note: battens are ordered in set lengths but not cut to exact sizes and can be over.
Go here for full details on different timber gradings.
Click to find the available sizes and gradings for Tallowwood Cladding.
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